Bowen Therapy and Evans Alignment
Based in Somerset with clients in Ilminster, Chard, Yeovil and Taunton
About Melanie Spuffard
Having found Holistic Therapies in 2010 somewhat by chance, I have dedicated myself to helping 100’s of people to live a more balanced life. Aligning the body can relieve pain, both physically, organically and emotionally using Bowen and Evans Alignment Therapy.
I deliver Bowen Therapy and Evans Alignment Therapy in Somerset. I have sessions in Ilminster and Chard as well as other nearby towns across the county, please get in touch to check availability.
A few key points about my treatments:
• Clothing can stay on
• Treatments are gentle, subtle and relaxing
• Relief is often felt immediately
• Chronic conditions may take longer than the average 4 sessions, treatment plans are implemented following a full client consultation.
The benefits of Bowen Technique:




I run my clinics at Jordans Courtyard– Ilminster and Orchard Osteopaths – Chard
Bowen Therapy
The Bowen move is very distinctive and is applied at very precise points on the body. It involves the movement of soft tissue in a specific way followed by rest periods. The move is a rolling-type move of the thumbs and forefingers, and is designed to stimulate the tissue and nerve pathways, creating a focus for the brain.
Although musculoskeletal problems such as frozen shoulder, back and neck pain account for the majority of conditions brought for Bowen treatment, it can also be helpful with more organic problems. Clients have reported significant improvements with asthma, migraines, irritable bowel, infertility and other reproductive problems.
Evans Alignment Therapy
A gentle body therapy that adjusts joints painlessly and releases tense muscles with relief from pain often felt immediately and only a few sessions are needed.
I have provided Evans Alignment treatments to relieve pain from these common areas; back, neck, head, hips, groin, shoulder, chest, arms, legs, knees, ankles and feet.
Symptoms associated with sciatica, slipped discs, headaches, blocked sinus, vertigo, epilepsy, circulation problems, tennis elbow and frozen shoulder can also be eased with Evan Alignment methods.
To Read About The History Of The Bowen Technique And My Story
of how I found Bowen Therpy
For any enquiries, please call me on 07881 805334 or email info@melaniespuffard.co.uk
“A taster session with Mel changed everything”
“From the first time I went to see Melanie, the results were instant and amazing. In a few weeks my pain was greatly reduced in what seemed to be a miracle, and in a few months the pain stopped altogether”
“After just ONE treatment the pain in my neck, shoulder and arm had gone and a few days later so had the virtigo”
To read the full stories of how my clients feel about their treatment click here>>